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About: Imagen
RecluserDark is the pseudonym that hides Alba Gasset, photographer, visual and digital artist born in Barcelona. The vision that Alba projects in her pictures is a passion for industrial landscapes, ancestral and monumental architecture, sacred fields, forests, abandoned and enigmatic places.
All these "dark places" evoke with nostalgia and melancholy the life that one day had, and now has due to the passage of time. Locations that didn’t lost their magic and their qualities to transmit these sensations.
That is why RecluserDark, through her lens, captures the feelings and memories of those stories, told with her camera from a special point of view and personal style.
Alba Gasset is a self-taught visual artist, her life experiences and travels
around the globe has brought her inspiration to create. Her work in digital format combines architectural and nature elements, to create unique and dual landscapes unfolding between time and space.
About: Texto
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